Browse Articles By Tag: golf instruction
Golf fitness equipment can be a variety of pieces; but what truly is golf fitness equipment? You’d be surprised to find out it is not expensive; and is not necessarily in a gym or health club either.
25.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Follwo and discover what the bet tips are when you are under pressure.
16.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Read the conversation to learn what every golfer should know about...
12.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Plugging in a golf fitness dvd is a great alternative to relying on yourself for motivation and consistency. The dvd craze has caught on with golfers of all ages and abilities. Golf instruction dvds have been very popular, but now golf fitness dvds are coming into...
04.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Core exercise for golf. You’ve probably heard this phrase mentioned on the television a time or to. This is the area that Vijay works on the most with his golf trainer and it seems to be working for him. (...)
01.03.2014 · From TheAuthor
Injuries occur in all athletic events quite frequently, certain sports more so than others. Golf is no different than any other sport. The severity of injuries in golf usually are not as severe as in other sports. The scenario of a 300 lb. (...)
27.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
Golf strength training is critical in slowing down the effects of aging. Issues like rapidly declining strength, flexibility, and endurance. The number of golfers who are middle age or older is growing and they all want to play as long as possible.
24.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
If you are looking to get your game of golf going in the right direction that you should be looking to the pro's for help. If you have found that you have come to a stand still and long to get better, to hit further and more accurately, seek advice, get some good golf...
23.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
Many things can be learned from the worlds greatest player, Tiger Woods. Here are a few things that may be benficial to your game.
20.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
Golf strength exercises are a must for any golfer wanting to improve power output; decrease injury; improve accuracy and consistency, and slow the effects of the aging process for senior golfers.
18.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
When I first started to play golf, the tip I heard the most was "keep your head still". If you want to improve your game you actually have to do the opposite.
16.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
Tiger Woods workout is supposedly this “hush-hush” secret nobody knows about, but everybody is dying to find out. Tiger is human like every other golfer and realizes the importance of conditioning for golf. (...)
15.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
Golf workouts for winter is a great approach to taking advantage of the time you now have available to improve your golf since you’re not playing as much, if not at all. It’s a way to stay connected to your golf game when you’re not able to play due to the...
13.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
Golf stance is one of the most ignored terms and issues in the golf swing and yet the golf stance dictates the success of every golf swing you make. When golfers think of golf stance, they don’t realize how hard it is to maintain over 18 holes (four and a half...
10.02.2014 · From TheAuthor
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